40th Aniversary of EA3RCY Radioclub del Tarragonès AWARD

The Radio Club of Tarragona EA3RCY is pleased to put this award on the air to celebrate of the 40th founding and uninterrupted anniversary of our activities.

That is why we want to celebrate this special event with all of you.

3 separate awards can be obtained in: HF – VHF – DMR

1.- These awards will be open to all radio amateurs in the world with a valid license, as well as to SWL, with fixed stations, /P,/M,/MM and AM and only in the HF – VHF – DMR phone mode.

In HF it will be in the 40M and 20M Phone Bands.

On VHF on the 144 band… and DMR on the TG of Tarragona 21443 Brandmeister Network.

2.- The start date of the award will be from 09:00 GMT on September 1, 2023 until 19:00 on November 30, 2023, in the DMR mode it will only be the last 30 days.

3.- To obtain the award it will be necessary to make 35 contacts, one of which is necessary with the special station EA3RCY.

4.- The granting stations in HF (20-40) and VHF (144xxxx) will pass at the request of the requesting station one point per day and Band, duplicate contacts will NOT be valid, the DMR station will leave 2 times a week in the last 30 days granting 3 points per day, the EA3RCY station will award 5 points in a single contact and can leave any day of the last two weeks.

5.- The Radio Club del Tarragones station – EA3RCY, will appear periodically on HF and VHF and will be necessary to complete the award, but it cannot be repeated as indicated in the previous section.

6.- The granting stations will call with their callsign followed by:

The contacts made by the granting stations with all their data will be uploaded daily to the online LOG available at HRDGLOG / QRZ / lotw.arrl.org and can also be consulted on the page used for the contest.

7.- Communications obtained through ANALOG REPEATERS, third bridge stations, Echo link or SDR will not be valid.

8.- Only the bands announced by the Radio Club del Tarragoneses are admitted and always following the segments and recommendations of the IARU.

9.- Once 35 points have been obtained, the operator will be able to download the diploma from the website itself.

10.- It will NOT be necessary to send QSL’s

11.- The awards will be issued personalized and numbered following the order of completion of the 35 points. In order to take care of the environment and save on shipping procedures, they will be obtained in PDF format at no cost via the web.

12.- The applicant stations must accept the established bases, with the MANAGER of the diploma and the board of the Radio Club del Tarragones being the ones who will ultimately resolve any incident or discrepancy that may arise. They may also modify the bases if necessary at any time, their decision being final.

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